Thursday 15 October 2015

Initial Ideas and Decision

Initial Ideas

Rock magazine strengths and weaknesses:

This magazine focuses on only one music genre therefor reducing its appeal to a large audience. However this music genre is one of the most popular genres so it should be fairly popular.

Pop and Rock magazine strengths and weaknesses:
This magazine could have the potential to do really well because it includes two of the most popular genres. This means that it can reach a larger audience increasing its chance of being bought. However because it is aimed at both sexes and not just one it may be too broad, making them feel no included.

Music Fashion magazine strengths and weaknesses:
The fact that it is aimed towards women may put off men that may be interested in reading it. If it is a mix between fashion and Pop it could have the potential to work really well.

Rap magazine strengths and weaknesses: This magazine would specialize in Rap music which is a genre is is becoming more popular over time giving it potential to do very well in future if it takes off. Rap appeals to a large range of ages making it hard to narrow it down. This could put some readers off as they may feel it is either to old or young for them.

My Magazine Decision

I have decided that the best choice would be a pop and rock magazine.

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