Thursday 15 October 2015

Audience Research

Audience Research

I created a survey and gave it out to 10 people and gave 5 of them to females and the other 5 to males to make my results fair and equal. I gave them out to people around the ages 15-18 to give me information about them so that i can create a music magazine that will appeal them. Here are my results;

 The response that I have received from audience is that the least popular music genre for sure is Rap Music. The other two genres Pop and Rock are fairly similar in results with Rock achieving just one more vote.These results really did surprise me as i thought that Rap was by far the most popular genre, but it seems that I was wrong. This shows that these two particular music genres are both equally popular, so it would be beneficial for me to include both Pop and Rock Genres in my magazine. This also means that i will appeal a wider target audience improving my magazine sales.
The answers I received for this question were varied. This makes it clear how the audience like to listen to a variety of musicians, however there was one clear winner was Calvin Harris. I was expecting someone like him to win because his music is popular by both sexes, male and female. From this I now know to include a variety of artists to interest the majority of artists with the majority appealing to both sexes.

From these responses i can see that people are really interested in seeing artists being interviewed, which doesn't surprise me as this is a big part of a music magazine. Although to contradict this i was really surprised that things that can be found through the internet for like the latest news and charts are what people wanted to see. However I was not surprised with the result that new artists are unpopular as they can be easily found through friends and the internet.

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