Friday 13 November 2015

Feature Article Text Plan

A young star with the potential to rock the world is ready to tell the world what its like being in the spotlight at the young age of 18. Even though Oscar is relatively new to the music industry, he is already being talked about as a future pop-star.

How do you feel with the word going around of you being thought as a "potential  pop star" and does the thought of it scare you?

Being as young and inexperienced as I am, I think it does put a lot of pressure on me to make sure I step up to this level that expect of me... Although I wouldn't say that this scares me because I know I can reach this target. As long as I keep doing what I'm good at and keep creating music that people want to listen to, then I have no doubt that its possible.

Lets get started on the new album that you are releasing, Can you tell us what its all about?

Yea so, my new album  is called "Evolution" and honestly its my personal favourite. I am certain that people will love it,  hopefully it can do just as well as my last 2 albums if not even better. They are the kind of songs that can be listen to many times and I expect them to played many times.

 Was it always your plan to become an artists so early on?

If I'm honest I didn't really enjoy school much, In my free time instead of doing homework I focused on composing my own music, it was like an addiction. I found doing school work and playing music just brought me to life it enabled me to express myself. So in all honesty no, because it means that I can do something that i love doing straight away all the time.

Have you ever considered maybe creating a band or do you like life as a solo artist?

Yea i think it would be really cool if I was part of a band, i mean i grew up loving some classic boy bands, but only time will tell. When i started it didn't really cross my mind, but slowly i have been thinking more and more about it. I think I'll just see how things go and maybe just maybe ill be in one some day, but at the moment I fine with how it currently is.

Who was your main inspiration for becoming a solo artist?

I really loved music by Elton John, he was defiantly the person who really inspired to be something different. He has created some amazing pieces that I loved listening to, becoming something like him is certainly my dream. My initial style was from a different artist that i couldn't stop listening to. Ed Sheeran started of really small and now look at him, and that really made me think about what it would be like.

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