Friday 13 November 2015

Page Designs

Feature Article Text Plan

A young star with the potential to rock the world is ready to tell the world what its like being in the spotlight at the young age of 18. Even though Oscar is relatively new to the music industry, he is already being talked about as a future pop-star.

How do you feel with the word going around of you being thought as a "potential  pop star" and does the thought of it scare you?

Being as young and inexperienced as I am, I think it does put a lot of pressure on me to make sure I step up to this level that expect of me... Although I wouldn't say that this scares me because I know I can reach this target. As long as I keep doing what I'm good at and keep creating music that people want to listen to, then I have no doubt that its possible.

Lets get started on the new album that you are releasing, Can you tell us what its all about?

Yea so, my new album  is called "Evolution" and honestly its my personal favourite. I am certain that people will love it,  hopefully it can do just as well as my last 2 albums if not even better. They are the kind of songs that can be listen to many times and I expect them to played many times.

 Was it always your plan to become an artists so early on?

If I'm honest I didn't really enjoy school much, In my free time instead of doing homework I focused on composing my own music, it was like an addiction. I found doing school work and playing music just brought me to life it enabled me to express myself. So in all honesty no, because it means that I can do something that i love doing straight away all the time.

Have you ever considered maybe creating a band or do you like life as a solo artist?

Yea i think it would be really cool if I was part of a band, i mean i grew up loving some classic boy bands, but only time will tell. When i started it didn't really cross my mind, but slowly i have been thinking more and more about it. I think I'll just see how things go and maybe just maybe ill be in one some day, but at the moment I fine with how it currently is.

Who was your main inspiration for becoming a solo artist?

I really loved music by Elton John, he was defiantly the person who really inspired to be something different. He has created some amazing pieces that I loved listening to, becoming something like him is certainly my dream. My initial style was from a different artist that i couldn't stop listening to. Ed Sheeran started of really small and now look at him, and that really made me think about what it would be like.

Friday 6 November 2015

Magazine page layout

Feature article artist planning

My Feature article artist 

The main artist featuring in my article will be a solo artist. It is a male who goes by the name of Oscar Raven. He is relatively new to the music industry, however he is already creating big ripples in the nearby areas and is mentioned as a young potential star. At the age of 18 Oscar has released two albums at this point both, with both of them reaching the top in local charts. His music varies between pop and rock music, with his main instrument being a guitar.

Oscar is doing the feature article to promote his new album as well as himself as an artist. He's hoping featuring in a big music magazine will massively improve his music presence and help him enter the UK top charts.

As a young artist Oscar is very modern when it comes to fashion. He is normally seen wearing his well known reflective shades, as well as skinny jeans with a dull coloured jumper. This style is best represented with pop as it is happy. However he has been seen on stage wearing much more casual clothes when hes performing rock music. He has two prized instruments including an electric guitar and a classic guitar. A lot of the time he is seen with his classic guitar as he can play it anywhere at anytime as he is always on the move and playing and creating new music. 

For the photo, a close up shot will be used to make it clear what the artist is wearing and what he looks like. The photo won’t have a background, instead it will have a sky blue colour behind it. This is because i think it makes it clearer and better represents the artist. For the photo shoot Oscar won't have any make up instead he will be natural as for pop artists don't necessarily wear a lot of make up like they would for heavy metal. I think it would be best if Oscar was looking straight in the lens to give across a connection with the audience.

Other Artists

One of the other artists that will be featuring in my magazine is Joe Parks, who is very well know in the music industry and has come back to music as he left music behind as he hit hard times. He is a solo artist and his songs tend to be more Rock gender based. Jo comes from London and has done many concerts and tours around the world.  

The second artist which will be included in my magazine will be Danny Jordan. He is 14 years old an is trying to become big and is releasing his second ever album. Danny is yet to have a big hit but hopes that he will achieve this with his newest album. He has only just graduated from university where he was studying music. Jordan now feels ready to enter the music industry.He earned his fame through winning a well known music talent show. He is of a very young age and has created many viral videos on YouTube.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

House Style

House Style


For the title of my content page and main article i want to use a bold, clear and easy to read from a distance font. I think the font that best fits this description out of the ones I looked for and selected would be the Eras Demi ITC font. For the main text taking up most of my pages content would be a font that looks appealing to keep the reader reading. It is very important that this font is also clear for readers, so i decided to go with Verdana. My final font will be used for extra things like the page numbers as well as the description for images if needed. I thought the Footlight MT Light font fitted this best because it fulfills these and also is faded out slightly , making it clear to the audience that its not the main content.

Colour Scheme

The kind of colours I think would best suit the genres I have chosen pop and Rock would be slightly dark colours to represent the rock genre part of my magazine. To represent the Pop genre side of my magazine the colours will be eye catchy colours like blue, red and Orange. To make sure my magazine appeals to both genders, it will have to have a range of colours. 

I have decided that the colour of my text would be dominantly a dark red, but if the background image meant it would be clear, then I would use black instead. The general background colour especially for the cover would be a dark blue. I think this would allow the image of the artist to clearly stand out. The titles for the pages will be the same colors as my mast head to show consistency which is grey and red. 

Colour Scheme

A visual feature which I will be using will be to have all of my titles connect through having a similar design by all using the same colours as my mast head. I will also have a smaller version of my mast head in the top right hand corner as well as in the bottom corners of all the pages. This will remind readers of what magazine their are reading.