The Front Cover

- My artists wears a leather jacket and is wearing all black to make it appeal and interest Rock fans, as well as making the background black to give it that dark, almost Gothic feel.
- To interest Pop fans the cover lines are bright and vibrant and the background is not completely black, to show its not completely aimed at rock.
- The layout of the cover is layed out neatly and clearly around the artist with bright colours so that it is easy to read.
- Cover isn't to cramped with cover lines, to keep it clear and interesting to consumers.
- The world exclusive article instantly interests fans and consumers, know they can read the exclusive article anywhere else.
Contents Page
- A variety of colours to keep the magazine open to both females and males so its not gender specific.
- Page numbers are clear and have different coloured rings around them to make the page easy to navigate and different from other magazines.
- The page looks busy and full of content to provide the reader with an incentive to read on and read the articles.
- Modern styled font may interest a younger audience because it feels new .
Feature Article
- A bright and cheerful varied amount of fonts with a mix of red and black colours to intrigue readers.
- A brief description of the artist to the the older aged audience informed and involved .
- The article may interest mainly males as the artist being interviewed is a male.
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